The ORM part of Frink gives you very basic querying abilities. For anything a little more complex you should probably just drop down to ReQL anyway.


Get a single instance by id.


Get all instances.


Get all instances, ordered and limited.

User.query.all(order_by='firstname', limit=10)


Get a single instance, that is the first to match the filter.


Get a list of results matching kwargs filters.

User.query.filter(active=True, firstname='Jeff')

Order the results by firstname ascending.

User.query.filter(active=True, firstname='Jeff', order_by='<name')

Order the results by firstname descending.

User.query.filter(active=True, firstname='Jeff', order_by='>name')

Limit the results.

User.query.filter(active=True, firstname='Jeff', order_by='>name', limit=10)

Find all instances that match one column / value.

User.query.find_by(column='firstname', value='Jeff')

Ordered and limited.

User.query.find_by(column='firstname', value='Jeff', order_by='lastname', limit=1)

Get a single instance matched on column / value.

User.query.get_by(column='firstname', value='Jeff')


Add an offset parameter to all methods that have a limit argument for use with pagination.


The models all contain references to the database and the table that they’re stored in, just in case you ever need to dynamically create a ReQL query. It’s also fairly useful even if you’re writing them by hand.

r.db(User._db).table(User._table).filter({"firstname": "Jeff"}).run(conn)